Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Bernie and the Ratboys

After announcements that Bon Iver and Vampire Weekend will be performing in the next couple of days at Bernie Sanders rallies in Iowa, today it was announced that The Strokes will be performing for Bernie next month in New Hampshire.

We have to admit that we like Bernie's taste in music (not bad for an old man), but also wonder why, in addition to his rally headliners, so many musicians (Cardi B, Killer Mike, The Thermals., L.A.'s Ozomatli, Seattle's Tacocat, etc., to name a few) are attracted to his cause.  Yesterday, Mother Jones magazine even ran an article titled Hear the Bern: Why Bernie Sanders Strikes a Chord With Musicians.

We here at the MDW desk aren't big fans of The Strokes.  Their music had a sort of nostalgic, return-to-the-roots charm when it debuted 20 years ago, but today we can't get behind that whole nostalgia-for-past-nostalgia thing.  

So instead, we're posting a video to accompany this article by another band that's performed at Bernie rallies, the fine Chicago band Ratboys (not to be confused with the punk/hip-hop band Rat Boy). Ratboys (one word, plural) are one of our favorite bands, and apparently they've garnered enthusiastic support in some corners of the internet (Ratboys Are Such A Good Fucking Band according to The Editor of The Alternative).  

Here's a new (2020) single from Ratboys' to-be-released album Printer's Devil.  You'll probably enjoy this more than some 20-year-old cut from The Strokes.

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