Saturday, February 29, 2020

For Reverend Green

For this once-every-four-years Leap Day, let's go back 14 years and give a listen to Animal Collective at T In The Park, a 2006 music festival in Balado, Kinross.

Reportedly, that's somewhere in Scotland.

For Reverend Green is from Animal Collective's 2007 LP Strawberry Jam.  This is one of my all-time favorite AC songs because:
  1. That opening loop sounds like what a carnival carousel might sound like on acid.  I had always assumed the loop was an organ or synth, but watching this live video reveals that it's actually a highly distorted electric guitar.
  2. Panda Bear's drumming.  I'm no expert, but it sound like he's playing in 2/4 or 4/8 for one line, and then 7/8 on the next.  Does that make it 11/16?.
  3. Avey Tare screams a lot at unexpected times (it's an acquired taste, but once you get used to it, it sounds great), and sometimes he sings "For Reverend Green" as "Forever in green." 
  4. The segue on the LP from For Reverend Green to the next track, Fireworks, is one of the best 1-2 transitions in all of rock music.

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