Saturday, February 8, 2020

Margaret Glaspy

It's nearly impossible to keep up with the seemingly endless number of talented, intelligent women  emerging in the singer-songwriters genre these days.  

This is Margaret Glaspy.  She has been making music since at least 2010, both as a member of a band (The Fundies) and as a solo artist.  She has released several EPs and one full LP, and has her second solo record coming out soon.  She has toured with Neko Case.

Killing What Keeps Us Alive is a good song, and reason enough in and of itself to warrant posting here.  It's the kind of quiet, understated song that so easily gets ignored these days.  

Even though I typically don't like vocoder effects, Glaspy uses it to subtle effect here without letting it get in the way of her vocals.  It's an effect, not a gimmick and she lets the natural sound of her voice carry the song.  But those subtle vocoder effects are nicely reflected in the way the video gradually transitions from black and white to color. 

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