Tuesday, March 31, 2020

A Citizen's Guide to Getting Into Natural Snow Buildings - Part 5 (The Cursed Bell)

Wow!  Look at you!  You've made it through three albums and over six hours of Natural Snow Buildings' music!

At this point, you're still on the thin tail end of the bell curve of their recordings - there's a LOT more  music yet to come than you've ingested so far.

But before inundating you with the multitude of recordings NSB released in 2008, let's just stop for a minute and enjoy what we've discovered so far.

Here's an excerpt from a 2014 Natural Snow Buildings live performance in Milan (back when there was life in Milan), including The Cursed Bell from The Dance Of The Moon And The Stars.  The song should be instantly recognizable to you by now after the first few chords alone, even if you've only listened to TDOTMATS casually.

At first, I couldn't understand why the camera remained glued in a tight close-up shot of Mehdi throughout the vocal. Wouldn't it be nice to see Solange singing (isn't that the point of a video performance)?  But then I realized that it's actually Mehdi doing the singing, which kind of blew my mind - I had always thought it was Solange.

Bonus points:  the video is part of a series, so if you stick around after the end of The Cursed Bell, you get to hear the rest of NSB's Milan performance.

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