Friday, March 20, 2020


The Covid-19 pandemic is in full force, and recording artists have been hit especially hard as tours and shows are being canceled for the foreseeable future. With such a major revenue stream drying up almost entirely, finding ways to continue supporting artists in the coming months is now an urgent priority for anyone who cares about music and the artists who create it.

To raise even more awareness around the pandemic’s impact on musicians everywhere, the direct-to-musician platform Bandcamp is waiving their revenue share on sales today (Friday, March 20th) and asking the Bandcamp community to put much needed money directly into artists’ pockets.

For many artists, a single day of boosted sales can mean the difference between being able to pay rent or not.  It may sound simple, but the best way to help artists is with direct financial support so if there's anything you've been thinking of buying anyway, or if you just want to provide some help, downloading from Bandcamp today would be a good way to start.

Here's a few suggestions to get you started.  

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