Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Purity Ring

So that this doesn't become just another post about the covid-19 coronavirus, here are a couple new songs by the band Purity Ring.

While you're enjoying the songs, I regret to inform you that just today it's been announced that because of the pandemic, Atlanta's Shaky Knees festival is being postponed until October, Tennessee's Bonnaroo festival is being rescheduled to September, and England's Glastonbury festival was cancelled outright. 

To make room on their warehouse shelves for toilet paper and hand sanitizer, Amazon announced that they are going to stop selling vinyl records among other discretionary items.

On a happier note, direct-to-musician digital retailer Bandcamp announced that to help support musicians struggling during the lock-down, they will be waiving their revenue share this Friday (March 20).  So you may want to consider that date if there's any music you've been meaning to DL. Hint: Porridge Radio's Every Bad is currently going for $10 digital, $13 CD, and $20 vinyl on Bandcamp, and since they can't do a promotional tour for the new album because of Trump's travel band (they're from the UK and besides, the clubs and other venues are all closed), buying their new album would be a good way to support them.  

Here's another new song by Purity Ring (who aren't on Bandcamp).

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