Sunday, April 5, 2020

I Built Myself A Metal Bird. I Fed My Metal Bird the Wings of Other Metal Birds.

The evolution of Thee Silver Mt. Zion band - Friday we uploaded a bootleg video of a 2001 performance in Paris, and now here they are, back in Paris in 2010. 

In 2001, they were a post-rock chamber ensemble playing songs off of the debut album He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts of Light Sometime Grace the Corners of Our Rooms.  By 2010, they were a rock band saying that they wished they were Teenage Jesus and the Jerks from NYC and playing songs off their sixth LP, Kollaps Tradixionales.

As you'll learn from the video, the song doesn't take long to evolve from a punk-rock stomper into post-rock territory.

Very impressive, to say the least.

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