Sunday, May 10, 2020

Daughter of Darkness - Disc 6

The fifth tape, Tape Ø, of the original, cassette version of Daughter of Darkness consists of two very long tracks, the 43-minute Devil's Fork and the 41-minute The Invisibles.   For the CD box set, The Invisibles was moved to the final CD-6 along with Psychic Navigation from Natural Snow Building's follow-up cassette release,  Daughter of Darkness V.

The vinyl version doesn't include any DoD V material, and somehow managed to fit all of Devil's Fork onto the B-side of Disk 7, while The Invisibles of nearly equal length takes up both sides of Disk 8.  

You can stream Disc 6 on Spotify or as a part of ILoveNaturalSnow's YouTube upload of the entire DoD set.

The Invisibles starts with another statement of the DoD theme - a cinematic procession with wordless vocals cooing over the standard NSB 1-2-3, 1-2-3 beat.  I couldn't really tell you how it's different from, say, Slaves for the Afterlife without going back to Slaves and listening carefully for the specific differences.  But like so many other DoD tracks, The Invisibles first and second halves are different. After about 20 minutes, the initial vocal-guitar-and-percussion procession dissolves into a single, sustained guitar note, over which NSB slowly rebuilds the track by adding new layers over the droning feedback.  Random noise elements creep into the mix, and after about 30 minutes, some highly processed voices are heard as the track increases in intensity. After about 15 minutes of this, the whole mix dissolves again, this time into a harmonium drone and a bass drum beat.  Guitar and additional percussion layers are added to bring the long drone to its conclusion.  

Psychic Navigation from DoD V has a different sound from much of the rest of DoD.  It's built up mostly of layers of droning and echoing guitar notes in a Fripp-and-Eno, No Pussyfooting style (which is meant as a compliment, and not an accusation of being derivative).   There's a lot of variation in tone across the half-hour track as different layers appear and fade.

And that's it!  We've now listened to all six discs of Daughter of Darkness in all its 7 hour, 20 minute glory! Next up, DoD V!

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