Sunday, May 24, 2020

Incubate 2011

I hope you're enjoying your Memorial Day weekend (while still being safe and socially distant, of course).  Let's take it easy this weekend and not work our way through another hour-long Natural Snow Bridges album but instead just savor what we've heard so far and enjoy one of the rare videos of them performing live.

Here they are performing in 2011, around the time of Waves of the Random Sea and Chants of Niflheim, at the Incubate Festival in Tilburg in The Netherlands.  We posted Part 2 of this performance a long while back, before we started this pandemic review of their discography, but skipped Part 1 because what did we know back then?

Both Mehdi and Solange are on electric guitar here.  Back during the 2002-2003 Pop In sets, Solange performed on cello.

Your guess is as good as mine what track they're playing here - it sounds like something from Daughter of Darkness to me.

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